Mark Edwards

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Mark’s the safe(ish) pair of hands that helps you through your lunchtime with a keen ear for new music.

You can quite often hear a song first here on the new Music File or a ‘mediafact’ you didn’t know about how Phil Collins breeds iguanas on his remote Indonesian island guarded by genetically enhanced seahorses (he doesn’t btw).

Mark’s been ‘on the radio’ for 25 years for some reason even he can’t understand. ‘It was all a mistake’ he says. ‘I used to work as a graphics artist in a print factory and quite frankly fell into radio because someone liked my voice’.

Little is known about Mark beyond that as he’s not on Facebook – yes, not on Facebook, so we’ll never find the code to his secret lair where he keeps his extensive collection of Bavarian beer bottle tops (he doesn’t) or stores that BatCaravan he’s always fettling up for festival trips!

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  • Hereford

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    High: 20°C | Low: 9°C

  • Abergavenny

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    High: 20°C | Low: 11°C

  • Monmouth

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    High: 21°C | Low: 8°C

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