Senedd Member commends school for tackling societal problems

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Local politician Peter Fox recently visited Usk School and met with the Usk School’s Senedd group to hear about their efforts at tackling societal problems.

The Member of the Senedd for Monmouth met Usk School’s Senedd – a group consisting of pupils -which aims to tackle outstanding issues facing the site, one of which included working with the Mayor of Usk to reduce car fumes.

Following the visit, the Member of the Senedd for Monmouth said: “It was an absolute delight to meet inquisitive pupils, who are engaging thoroughly in tackling problems facing the school.

“I found the pupils’ efforts around happy, healthy playtime was an excellent initiative. The Senedd members have been invited to feed in their future concerns to me, so I can take it forward to the Senedd Cymru.

“Their efforts are to be commended and will be an inspiration for other schools to follow.”

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